Friday, July 26, 2019

Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Final Assignment Essay

Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Final Assignment - Essay Example The company should not recall its products and should stay present on the market, however it should prove its ethical position to its stakeholders to keep its business in India and thus to achieve self-interest satisfaction. Below is provided more detailed analysis of Coca Cola’s business activity in India with the application of 7 major moral standards. First of all, this approach is based on the universal ethical values which have in its core the value of trustworthiness. Based on the trustworthiness as one of the core values of the universal ethical values, Coca Cola’s behavior should based on honesty, promise-keeping, loyalty, and transparency. If the company is honest towards its stakeholders, including the Indian consumers it should honestly declare about its business and true quality of its products. While the company declares that its products are of high quality and safe for consumption, it also lacks the integrity based on the case studies of controversies in Belgium, Antwerp and employment of African-Americans. By allowing discrimination based on the race, Coca Cola failed to demonstrate its integrity and to act consistently according to its stated principles and values. If the lab results are true, Coca-Cola has failed in another one universal ethical value – promise keeping. If the company has not mentione d in its campaign that the drink is absolutely safe, its initial responsibility as a business should be ensuring safety and quality of the products. If to view promise-keeping value as a guarantee of safety and high quality, the company’s activity in India can be labeled as â€Å"ethical†. But in case if some of the stakeholders (employees, management) have not disclosed information about the quality of the products and its harmful impact on Coca Cola India consumers, the activity will be viewed as unethical. In case the lab results are true and the products really contain pesticide residues and other harmful

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